Dental Clinic Herzliya

Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Herzliya

If you have missing teeth, replacing them is vital not only for your own general health but also for the well-being of your remaining teeth. You don’t just lose the capacity to chew when you lose a tooth, but teeth that go unreplaced may result in other teeth being tipped, crowded or lost, creating even more problems. Of course, there are other obvious issues too including low self-esteem and poor appearance caused by missing teeth and this is something that we strive to resolve with dental implants carried out by our Herzliya Dental Clinic.

Replacing missing teeth with dental implants is an excellent option which provides a permanently fixed solution as an alternative to complete or removable partial dentures. Implants give excellent stability and support for those dental appliances.

Dental implants are small titanium screws which serve as a replacement for the natural missing tooth’s root portion. It’s possible to place dental implants either in the lower or upper jaws. Thanks to titanium’s biocompatible properties, the dental implant will fuse with the jaw bone, becoming an excellent anchor to support the replacement teeth. Whether replacing one or more missing teeth, dental implants are an ideal solution.

Replacing A Single Tooth With Dental Implants in Herzliya

If you only have one missing tooth, you may find that a dental implant represents the perfect solution. When the root and tooth are both damaged, a dental implant is a perfect permanent replacement when used together with a ceramic crown. Virtually painless and simple, the procedure is highly effective, and the implant will look and function in the same way as your original natural tooth, enhancing your self-confidence by supplying you with a brighter and healthy smile.

Which Dental Implant Treatment Procedure Is Used By The Herzliya Dental Clinic?

First, the area to be treated will be examined so the appropriate treatment course can be determined. Models and radiographs help to create a treatment plan.

A dental implant will be a fabricated core which is placed where the missing tooth is located. Often, a temporary tooth will be placed to enable you to function and eat while your implant integrates fully into your jaw bone. The process of integration will vary depending on where your missing tooth is located.

Before the crown is placed, an impression will be taken so the implant abutment can be fabricated. This will attach onto the implant. Then another impression will be taken so the porcelain crown can be created. This will be placed onto the abutment. This new crown will function, look and fit just like your own natural tooth. You will need to maintain proper oral hygiene so the tissue and tooth will stay healthy.

Replacing Multiple Teeth

Here at the Herzliya Dental Clinic it’s also possible to use dental implants for replacing a number of missing teeth. This will give you excellent stability and strength so you can eat anything you want. You can have a fixed bridge cemented onto two dental implants (or more).

Having dental implants preserves the appearance of your face while preventing any additional bone loss next to your missing teeth. When you have a number of missing teeth at the back of your mouth, a fixed bridge with dental implants to support it will be the only real stable alternative. Removable dentures can’t give you the same function or stability as a dental implant can.

Which Treatment Procedures Are Used For Replacing Multiple Teeth In Herzliya?

First, the area to be treated will be examined so the appropriate treatment course can be determined. Models and radiographs will help to create the right treatment plan for you.

Dental implants will be fabricated cores which are placed at the site of the missing teeth. Temporary bridges are often placed so you can function and eat while your implants integrate themselves into your bone. The process of integration will vary depending on where your teeth are missing.

Before the bridge is placed, an impression will be taken so the abutments can be fabricated. These attach onto the implants. Then the final impression will be taken so the porcelain bridge can be created. This will be placed onto the abutments. The new bridge will look, function and fit just like your own natural teeth. You will need to maintain proper oral hygiene so the tissue and teeth stay healthy.

Thanks to the skill and expertise of the Herzliya Dental Clinic dental implants team, you’ll soon have a beautiful and restored smile that will give you the self-confidence you need.


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