Dental Clinic Herzliya

general & Cosmetic dentistry

dental care

Snap-on Smile General Cosmetics Dentistry Near You in Herzliya

A Snap-On Smile transforms your appearance with a natural-looking cosmetic device that fits simply over your teeth. Find your instant smile at the Herzliya Dental Clinic and revamp stained, chipped, and even missing teeth into a beautiful, natural-looking smile. Get in touch with us at our Herzliya Pituach office to discover how this effective treatment gives you a Hollywood smile makeover at an affordable price.

How the Snap-on Smile Works

Made from high-tech dental resin, a snap-on smile is tailor-made to fit over your existing teeth, quickly snapping in and out as desired to boost your smile for that special occasion.

Herzliya Dental’s Snap-on Smile Three-Step Process With just two visits to our office, you can reap the benefits of a brand-new smile in a matter of weeks.

  • After an examination to determine you are a suitable candidate for the procedure, you choose the style and color of your new teeth.
  • We make impressions of your teeth and send them to the laboratory. They manufacture a bespoke prosthetic device for you.
  • Come back and see us to pick up your snap-in teeth. We check them for fit and demonstrate how to put them in and take them out. That’s it. No drilling. No fuss. Just a beautiful smile.

Benefits of a Snap-on Smile General & Cosmetics Dentistry

The Snap-on Smile system is a quick and convenient option for individuals who have esthetic problems with their teeth where other tooth restorations are not possible or desirable. Benefits include:

1: Affordability
Cosmetic dentistry is generally expensive, and not affordable to many people. A Snap-on Smile brings you the smile you’ve always wanted but at a fraction of the cost.
2: Pain-free
With the variety of anesthesia options available painless dentistry is standard these days. However, after some procedures, a degree of discomfort is to be expected while the mouth heals. There are no such issues with instant teeth. There are no anesthetic injections and no preparation of the teeth. Just snap in and go.
3: Look Good
The materials used to manufacture the Snap-on Smile are designed to produce a smile that is straight, white, and natural-looking without undergoing orthodontic treatment or teeth whitening.
4: Comfortable
Snap-on teeth are not designed to be worn all the time. Leave them out when you are at home and pop them in when you are going out for a special occasion. You can eat and drink with them—so you can go out on a dinner date with confidence. 
5: Reversible
Cosmetic dentistry treatments are permanent. The joy of the Snap-On Smile is that you simply remove them when you don’t want to wear them with no harm to your natural teeth. 
6: Suitable for Everyone
Anyone can benefit from snap-in teeth. If you are not suitable for a smile makeover with dental implants, veneers, or bridges this is an option to remodel your smile into something beautiful. For an affordable and effective solution to cosmetic dentistry issues in the Tel Aviv area, schedule an appointment with Herzliya Dental Clinic.


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